
Volume 04 - Issue 04

Paper Title :: Perceptions of Individual Anxiety And Job Satisfaction During Covid -19 Pandemic
Author Name :: Dr.Nurgül Erdal || Güneş Çevik Akkuş || Dilara Bakın
Country :: Turkey
Page Number :: 01-17
Pandemics cause radical changes has increased in individuals who live and work has influenced the satisfaction. The data collected from 484 people living in Turkey with online and social science methods were analyzed by statistical analysis program.Descriptive analysis, significance tests, Kolmogrov Smirnov and Shapiro-wilk, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis H test, Spearman correlation test was applied to determine the relationship between the scales. As a result of the analysis, when the average anxiety score was evaluated, a moderate level of anxiety was found. A statistically significant negative correlation was determined between anxiety and job satisfaction sub-dimension, job structure, promotion, salary, manager, firm policy, customers, and colleagues. In other words, when the level of anxiety increases, job satisfaction and its sub-dimensions decrease.
Keywords: Anxiety, covid -19 pandemic, job satisfaction, psychosocial effects.
[1]. JN. Haysın, “ Epidemics and Pandemics Their Impactson Human History,” Newyork, ABC, CLIO, 2005
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[4]. R.Aşkın, Y. Bozkurt, and Z. Zeybek,“Covid-19 Pandemisi: Psikolojik Etkileri Ve Terapötik Müdahaleleri”, İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Covid-19 Sosyal Bilimler Özel Sayısı, 19,37,Bahar (Özel Ek) pp.304-318,2020
[5]. F.Yıldız, “19. Yüzyılda Anadolu’da Salgın Hastalıklar (Veba, Kolera, Çiçek, Sıtma) ve Salgın Hastalıklarla Mücadele Yöntemleri”, Pamukkale Üniversitesi,Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yükseklisans Tezi,2014

Paper Title :: Analysis of urban aspects of housing in the Ngulu-Nzamba district in the city of Kikwit, R.D.C.
Author Name :: Munduku M. || Mpuru M. || Nsimanda I. || Bondo B. || Kalela I. || Kikozokozo D. || Musibono D.
Country :: Republic of the Congo
Page Number :: 18-27
The cities of the Democratic Republic of Congo have been experiencing a housing crisis since 1960. Our study aimed to analyze the urban aspects of the habitat within which social groups shelter and the functions they give to this type of housing. in the Ngulu-Nzamba district of Lukemi commune in the city of Kikwit in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The dwellings of the households surveyed at the study site constitute our study material. We conducted a cross-sectional study from March 2018 to June 2020 using the method of direct observation in the field and instrumental supported by survey techniques, document review, interview, sampling. It emerges from this analysis that most of the subjects surveyed have as their main activity traditional agriculture with a very low income value, i.e. less than 50 us per month, and have acquired their plot from Heads of Land and almost all did not obtain any building permission before building. This situation means that the majority of dwellings have clay soil as their quality of wall and pavement. So the dwellings in the study setting are rudimentary and uncomfortable and expose their occupants to environmental vulnerabilities.
Keywords: Town planning aspects, Inhabitants, Ngulu-Nzamba, kikwit
[1]. Hubert F. et al. (2011), Northern Cities, Southern Cities. Urban geography, actors and issues, ed. the Harmattan, Paris.
[2]. Mukuamo, G. (2016), “Environmental vulnerabilities and urban resilience in Kinshasa / DRC. A contribution to the resolution of the urban environmental crisis ", PhD thesis, Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, UNIKIN, Kinshasa.
[3]. Lelo, N. (2008), Kinshasa Ville et Environnement, ed. L’Harmattan, Paris.
[4]. Lelo, N. (2017), the Bidonvilles de Kinshasa, ed. L’Harmattan, Paris.
[5]. Mpuru, M.B. et al (2014): Kwilu: “a Disputed Commercial Space? », Géokin, Bulletin géographie de Kinshasa, vol N ° 1, Cinquantenaire de la géographie du Kwilu 1964-2014, pp, 57-77

Paper Title :: Marxian Dialectics, Social Challenges of the C21st and Revival of Natural Law Philosophy: Nigeria in the Spotlight
Author Name :: Joshua Igonoh
Country :: Nigeria
Page Number :: 28-40
The divisive outlook of Marxist Philosophy amongst jurists and scholars is not influenced by different perception of the capitalist West and Communist East blocks alone but by dispensational interpretation of Marx thoughts on Historical Materialism, Economic Determinism and eventual abolition of State and the law. Although political reality of contemporary times seem to contradict these thesis of Marx but this paper, by doctrinal approach has shown that a more passionate view of Marx thoughts present him as a scholar disillusioned by the failures of positivist philosophy in all ramifications. Looking at corruption as one phenomenal threat to continued existence of the State and positivist laws in Nigeria, the paper recommended a resort to the values of Natural Law as catalyst for solving the riddles of the 21st century.
Keywords: Marxian Dialectics, Social Challenges, Natural Law Philosophy, and Revival.
[1]. Adegoke N. „The Nigeria Police and the Challenges of Security in Nigeria‟ accessed on 12-03-2021.
[2]. Ademiluyi T. „Pension for Former Governors‟ 2019/11/30>pe...> accessed on 12-03-2021.
[3]. Adeyemi O.O. „Corruption and Local Government Administration in Nigeria: A Discourse of Core Issues‟ accessed on 12-03-2021.
[4]. Agbu O. „The Nigerian State and Politics in the Fourth Republic‟ IMG>pdf>1.electi…> accessed on 12-03-2021.
[5]. Akinterinwa B. „Challenges of the Twenty-first Century in Nigeria: The Case of National Development and Unity‟ accessed on 25-03-2021.

Paper Title :: A Studio Exploration of Wood off-cuts as a Creative Resource for the Production of “The Ruler and the Ruled Sculpture Project”
Author Name :: Chikelue Chris Akabuike
Country :: Nigeria
Page Number :: 41-51
Background:“The Ruler and the Ruled” project is a process-oriented studio exploration that attempts to join other African artists such as Sumegne, Dilomprizulike, Hazoume, Titos and Mabunda, who employ recycled materials and joining techniques to address socio-political issues in Africa. The distinctiveness of their creative exploits‟ tilts largely on their creativeness in working with their individual processes of joining, tying, welding, and assembling upcycled materials. However, none has consciously utilized the joinery process as a focal of production.
Objectives: This study,therefore, focused on joinery and the aesthetic effects joinery brings to form, as it uses these forms to address the plights of the downtrodden.
Methodology: the exploration process engages the use of joinery techniques, like dovetail, flatlock, and dado joints as a method in upcycling wood off-cuts and tree-logs to create a body of work, while the exploration results analyses three factors: the materials, process and formal features using formalistic, stylistic, descriptive and iconology approaches.
Results: the resultsmetaphoricallyshowed how the ruling elites manipulate the rustics and subject them to both physical and emotional poverty.
Unique contribution: An in-depth understanding of the routine craftsmanship the artist put in at different stages of production is highlighted, togive insight on how upcoming artists can maintain the level of creative dexterity required by joinery techniques and processes.
Definite conclusion: Theconceptual imageries make connections with material and process to provide junctures where meanings are elicited especially as they relate to the downtrodden,to join the ongoing dialog in the African socio-political scene.
Key recommendation. further explorations from the present project can still be initiated in different directions to extend what has been done so far.
Keywords: Wood off-cuts, Joinery, Creative resource, Upcycledmaterials, The Ruler and the Ruled
[1]. Akabuike, C.C. (2003).“Joinery as a Sculpture Process”. Unpublished Master‟s Project report. University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
[2]. Barone, T., & Thompson, C. (2006). Art Practice as Research: A Review Essay. International Journal of Education & the Arts, Volume 7.
[3]. Bayliss, R. (1963). Carpentry and Joinery. London. Hutchinson.
[4]. Berge, J. La. (1981).General Shop wood working London. Longman Group, Limited.
[5]. Cassidy, V.M. (2003), Inventing Shapes: Jerry Peart, Sculpture, 22. 10: 20-21.

Paper Title :: The Teaching of Greek Traditional Dance through the Group-Collaborative Method
Author Name :: Koupani Ai. || Rokka St. || Pitsi A. || Papavasiliou D. || Softsi Ai. || Varsami, D.
Country :: Greece
Page Number :: 60-65
The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of an intervention program of Greek traditional dance teaching through the instruction of different dances in primary school students, initially indifferent towards Greek dance. The sample has been constituted of 300 students in total, 129 males and 171 females. Students were attending the 4th, 5th, or 6th grade of primary school. Participants have been split up into two groups upon a lottery procedure. The experimental group attended a traditional Greek dances intervention program for two months (16 sessions, 45 minutes long), aiming to teach three different types of dances through the group-collaborative method. The control group was taught the same dances using the method of command. The Student-Interest-in-the-Dance Questionnaire (Koupani, Rokka, & Bebetsos, 2017) has been used for data collection. Data statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, reliability analysis (Cronbach’s alpha), t-test for Independent Samples, and Repeated Measures ANOVA. Upon data analysis, the following conclusions have been reached: a) the intervention program of Greek traditional dances teaching through the instruction of three different types of dances had a positive effect causing students interest, b) the occurred changes in the experimental group were observed in both males and females, c) students’ class constituted a differentiation factor, having students of the 6th grade show significant changes. The research results enable the authors to claim that their Greek dance teaching programs, using innovative teaching approaches that promote self-reaction and collaboration, have the potential to provoke and attract the interest of indifferent primary school students.
Keywords: instructional methods, primary school, physical education.
[1]. Arapitsa, V. (2014). The impact of an interdisciplinary programme of traditional dance in the development of dance skills and in the motivation of high school students. Unpublished post-graduate dissertation, DPESS/Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini.
[2]. Barkoukis, V., Tsorbatzoudis, H., & Grouios, G. (2008). Manipulation ofmotivational climate in physical education: Effects of a 7-month intervention. European Physical Education Review. 14(3):376-387.
[3]. Brandon, R.P., & Lawton, E.B. (2013). The development, validation and potential uses of the Student Interest – in – the - Arts Questionnaire. Studies in Educational Evaluation. 39(2):90–96.
[4]. Chen, W.Y., & Chen, M.R. (2009). The study of the relationship between perception to teaching styles with motivation and learning satisfaction. Journal of Physical Education Fu Jen Catholic University. 8: 80-97.
[5]. Chilari, A. (2012). «Dance and national identity: The example of the integration of the "Tsakonikos" dance in school curricula. In:Traditional Culture and Education, 4th Panhellenic Congress pp263- 276. University of Thessaly and Centre for Historical & Folklore Research. Karditsa/Greece.

Paper Title :: Collaborative Learning: Interact Subject and Means in a Relational Perspective under the Point of View of the Student
Author Name :: Sandra Lima Rezende das Neves || David Nadler Prata
Country :: Brasil
Page Number :: 66-74
This article discusses the student's learning process from a relational perspective. Learning is not an easy process and because it is a challenge in the context of the classroom, it deserves the attention of professionals who deal with the art of teaching. Several studies point to different methodologies of teaching, but learning is an arduous, individual and unique mental process, everyone acquire, during school life, a more appropriate way of accessing the socially generated knowledge, be them through books, newspapers, magazines or research on the Internet. Since it is an individual process, nothing better than asking the student how they learn, that is, through a difficulty which they resort to? When they have a question, ask whom? When conducting activities proposed by the teacher, how they prefer to do it, in group or alone? In research activities, how they prefer to do it alone or in a group? Anyway, in what circumstances do they learn? This work has the pretension of based on a vast literature review and information collected in a state public school in the municipality of Palmas / Tocantins, where 42 (forty two) students of the second grade of High School were interviewed about collaborative learning, analyze and present data that suggests how the student's learning process happens in a interaction between the subject and the environment in a relational perspective. The students answered the questionnaire about the process of interaction in the classroom, in moments of teaching and learning activities. The questionnaire was tabulated and the results were analyzed with the objective of contributing to good practices in the classroom.
Keywords: Learning, interaction, collaboration, student, Internet
[1]. ALLAN COLLINS e RICHHALVERSON. Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology: The Digital Revolution and Schooling in America. TeachersCollege Press, New York 2009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 09 de abril de 2017.
[2]. ARAÚJO, Verônica Danieli de Lima. O impacto das redes sociais no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 de abril de 2017.
[3]. BERGANO, MAYZA, (2010). O uso de metodologias diferenciadas em sala de aula: uma experiência no ensino superior. Disponível em: Acesso em: 03 de fevereiro de 2017.
[4]. ECO, UMBERTO. Interpretação e superinterpretação. Tradução: Mônica Stabel. 2. Ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2005.
[5]. PEREIRA, DEBORA SILVA DE CASTRO, (2010). O ato de aprender e o sujeito que aprende. Disponível em: Acesso em: 04 de fevereiro de 2017.

Paper Title :: Pluses and minuses of online learning in the physical students’ perception during lockdown period of COVID-19 pandemic
Author Name :: Tadeusz Leszek Jasiński
Country :: Poland
Page Number :: 75-82
Results of research on the physical education students’ opinion on the pluses and minuses of the online teaching-learning humanistic subjects are presented. This study involved 113 physical education students of the second year of the full-time studies at the University of Physical Education and Sport in Gdansk. There were 38 female and 75 male students aged between and 19 and 24 years. A questionnaire in Forms program was used. Totally 320 students’ opinions on pluses and minuses of the online learning were achieved (190 “pluses” and 130 “minuses”). It was found the responders most frequently pointed a comfort and organization of the own activities as pluses of the online teaching-learning. Minuses (disadvantages) included mainly the lack of the interpersonal relationship with other student, communication problems due to technical obstacles and difficulties with study subject perception. However, the obtained results revealed more advantages than disadvantages in the online teaching-learning.
Keywords: Online teaching-learning, students’ opinion, physical education students.
[1]. Ptaszek, G., Stunża, G. D., Pyżalski, J., Dębski, M., Bigaj, M. (2020). Edukacja zdalna: co stało się z uczniami, ich rodzicami i nauczycielami? Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne.
[2]. Zahorska M. (2020). Sukces czy porażka zdalnego nauczania? Fundacja im. Stefana Batorego.
[3]. ZSzM (2020). Dobre i słabe strony zdalnego nauczania. Raport z badania ankietowego na temat zdalnej edukacji przeprowadzonego w szkołach podstawowych i ponadpodstawowych na terenie miasta Konina. Zespół Szkoła Naszych Marzeń. _marzen/zdalna_edukacja_wyniki_raport.pdf
[4]. OKO.pres. (2020). Zabija nudę, wpędza w niepewność, pogłębia nierówności. Raport z nauczania zdalnego.
[5]. Mishra L., Gupta T., Shree A. (2020). Online teaching-learning in highereducationduringlockdown period of COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of EducationalResearch Open 1, 1-8.

Paper Title :: Role conflict and role ambiguity concerning Physical Education teachers in private health centers
Author Name :: Genti, M. || Rokka, S. || Laios, A. || Kosta, G.
Country :: Greece
Page Number :: 83-88
In the last decade, there has been a development in the field of exercise and health. These health centers, which offer a variety of dance aerobic programs, need professional trainers whose engagement in these programs has become their main source of income. Role conflict is a situation in which a person experiences an inconsistency of the directions or demands that correspond in a role. Role ambiguity refers to the uncertainty of an employee in relation to his/her job responsibilities and the way he/she has to carry them out and it occurs when he/she does not have a clear picture concerning goals, responsibilities and ways of achievement, while at the same time he/she is aware of this uncertainty. The aim of this research was to examine the levels of role ambiguity and role conflict concerning P.E. teachers/trainers of group aerobics programs in private gyms and investigate whether there are any differences after the application of an intervention program on the clarification of certain terms. The sample of the research included 198 P.E. teachers (76 men & 122 women) with an average age 38, 76 ± 6.54 years and experience on guiding aerobic programs in a gym 6, 5 ± 2.31 years. The instruments used for the measurement of role conflict and role ambiguity were the role conflict and role ambiguity scales (Rizzo, House, & Lirtzman, 1970), were adapted and calibrated for the Greek population by Koustelios and Kousteliou (1998). The intervention program concerning P.E. teachers/trainers of group aerobics programs lasted 12 consecutive weeks with 60 minute sessions, twice a week. For the statistical analysis of the data, the method used was the Reliability analysis, Correlation and Repeated Measures Anova analysis, to investigate any differences in relation to the role ambiguity and role conflict before and after the end of the intervention program. The results of the research showed the intervention program had a statistically significant influence in the two factors that were examined –“role ambiguity” and “role conflict”- as concerns the P.E. teachers/trainers of group aerobics programs on whom it was applied.
Keywords: role conflict, role ambiguity, physical education teachers, private health center
[1]. Afshan, S., Nauheen, S., Madiha, R. (2021). Relationship of Workplace stressors and Organizational Commitment: A study in the education sector. The Journal of Educational Paradigms, 03(01), 150-157.
[2]. Argyrakis, P., & Kaloupsis, S. (2011). Role conflict, Role Ambiguity and Job Satisfaction: Literature Review. Journal of Sport and Recreation Management, 8(1), 10-18.
[3]. Argyrakis, P., Koustelios, A., Diggelidis, N., & Chroni, S. (2005). Role conflict, Role Ambiguity and professional satisfaction in a sample of employees at OEOA "ATHENS 2004". Journal of Sports and Recreation Management, 2, 15-29.
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[5]. Chang, Ε., & Hancock, K. (2003). Role stress and role ambiguity in new nursing graduates in Australia. Nursing and Health Sciences, 5, 155-1.

Paper Title :: Artificial Intelligence in Psychology
Author Name :: Sideraki Aggeliki
Country :: Greece
Page Number :: 89-90
According to Dhankar and Walia (2020), Artificial Intelligence is an element of the IT industry, through which a machine is given the opportunity to reproduce the characteristics of man, that is, to think and behave like him. However, empathy and consciousness are elements that are impossible to reproduce by machines.